Figure 3: Windsor’s Emission Reduction Pathway
The priority mitigation elements outlined above represent a significant transformation of the way energy is used in Windsor. While a 29% gap does exist between CEP goals and the actions outlined above, there are opportunities to close this gap by increasing participation rates of mitigation measures, changes in the fuel mix provided by utilities, and other measures. Additional measures are outlined below
Increased participation rate of District Energy system from 10% to 30% would result in an additional 130,000 Tonnes of C02 reduced per year.
Increased utilization of electric vehicles from 10% to 30% would result in an additional 80,000 Tonnes C02 reduced per year.
Renewable natural gas supply on existing natural gas network. The current goal for Enbridge is 10% renewable natural gas by 2050. This would result in an additional 105,750 Tonnes C02/year reduced per year.
By proceeding with these additional measures the CEP target would be met. It is aknowledged that many of these goals are aspirational in nature and will be difficult to achieve.
Priority 2 Mitigation Actions
In order to exceed the CEP target and potentially reach the carbon neutral goal there are a range of priority 2 mitigation actions which can be undertaken, including but not limited to the following.