municipal budgets and result in significant economic and health burdens for the constituents of Windsor-Essex, particularly our vulnerable populations; and

WHEREAS climate change will jeopardize the health and survival of many local plant and animal species as well as their natural environments and ecosystems; and

WHEREAS Windsor-Essex is already experiencing large and increase climate change impacts including but not limited to overland flooding, heavy rain event flooding, emergence of invasive species, an increased number of high heat days, the rise of vector borne diseases, the re-emergence of blue-green algae and harmful algal blooms in our lakes and rivers; and

WHEREAS municipalities are understood to produce and/or have regulatory jurisdiction over approximately 50% of carbon emissions in Canada; and

WHEREAS the City of Windsor join the Government of Canada and 444 Canadian municipalities (including Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, and 18 other Ontario municipalities, among them Chatham-Kent, Sudbury, Sarnia, Guelph, and Kingston) that have declared climate emergencies, some of which are also implementing strategic plans in order to help reduce global carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change; and

WHEREAS the City of Windsor, the Essex Region Conservation Authority

(ERCA) and the Windsor Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) are committed to and currently undertaking city and regional climate change planning, encompassing both mitigation and adaptation, in partnership with others; and

WHEREAS this emergency is an opportunity to bring together County,

City and Town governments as well as regional stakeholders to work together on climate change planning and implementation with the aim of protecting our region and contributing to greater national and global climate change response; and

WHEREAS implementing climate action and making a transition to a low-carbon economy also represents a significant opportunity to stimulate economic growth, increase job opportunities and develop new technologies;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Windsor declare a Climate Emergency in the knowledge that this is an emergency with no foreseeable conclusion which will require robust and permanent changes in how the City and County conduct their business; and further,

That in response to this emergency, the need to reduce overall emissions from the City of Windsor and the County of Essex as well as continue to prepare for Windsor-Essex County’s climate future are deemed to be high priorities when considering budget direction and in all decisions of council; and further,