That the City of Windsor administration BE DIRECTED to prepare reports for consideration by their respective Councils within 90 days containing recommendations for priority actions items, implementation measures, cost requirements to accelerate and urgently work towards the reduction of emissions and preparing for our climate future and include any initiatives that we are aware of by our Detroit neighbours and any other neighbouring municipalities across the border


That the County of Essex BE REQUESTED to consider adopting the resolution as outlined above.


The climate change emergency declaration was also approved by the County of Essex on November 20, 2019.

This report was prepared as directed by City Council in the above council decision.



Climate change adaptation refers to any initiative or action that seeks to reduce the vulnerability of social, economic, built, and natural systems to changing climate conditions. Adaptation efforts may focus on changing individual behaviour, updating municipal by-laws and policies, enhancing the capacity of physical infrastructure, and improving ecological services.

Climate Change mitigation refers to the implementation of policy, regulatory and project-based measures that contribute to the stabilization or reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. These include anti -idling by-laws, active transportation, building retrofits to conserve energy, and transitioning to low-carbon energy sources.

While mitigation efforts work to contain the long-term impacts of climate change, adaptation measures are needed to address the impacts that are already happening. Possible action items to address climate change adaptation and mitigation are shown in Figure 1.