Opportunities for Integration

Infrastructure Canada developed a Climate Lens document for all infrastructure projects seeking grant funding of $10,000,000 or more. The climate lens is intended to incent behaviour change and consideration of climate impacts into the planning of infrastructure projects, which will facilitate better decision making in both current and future infrastructure projects.

Following Infrastructure Canada’s lead, the City of Windsor should seek opportunities to integrate climate change considerations into daily decision making. A number of Ontario municipalities are already leading the way by developing local climate lens guidance documents, including climate change into annual budget documents and developing carbon budgets to ensure, where possible, projects don’t negatively impact GHG emission targets and increase risk under climate change impacts.

Additional Resources Will Be Required

The proposed measures are ambitious and aspirational. It is noted that reaching mitigation targets and adaptation objectives will not be easy. In addition to a strong Council, corporate, and community focus on prioritizing climate change mitigating measures, dedicated and sustainable resources (funding and staffing) will be required to maintain and accelerate climate action within the Corporation and the Community.


Emergency Declaration

On November 18, 2019, City Council approved the Windsor Essex County Environment

Committee’s motion that the City of Windsor pass a Climate Change Emergency

Climate Change Emergency Declaration indicating:

Decision Number: CR570/2019

That report no. 105 of the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee –

Climate Change Emergency Declaration indicating:

That the following Climate Change Emergency Declaration prepared by the Air

Subcommittee of the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee BE


WHEREAS the most recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) has indicated that within less than 12 years, in order to keep the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius and maintain a climate compatible with human civilization, there must be a reduction in carbon emissions of about 45% from 2010 levels, reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050; and

WHEREAS based on current projections of the future impacts of human caused climate change, climate change will adversely impact Windsor-Essex’s local economy, damage local infrastructure and property, put a strain on