summarized per work item and this information reported in total on a “Change Order Form”. This information from the daily force accounts summarized on the Change Order Form will become the basis for payment on the progress draw.

3. Contractors will not submit invoices for extra or additional work on projects. This will be paid for by progress draw as states in Item (7.08) and the submission of invoices will only service to delay the progress payment.

4. All change orders will be numerically numbered per contract.

5. No payment for extra work will be made until the change order has been mutually approved by the Engineer and the contractor.

c. Labour

The charge for labour and supervision thereof shall be based on the hourly recorded time of the labourers, mechanics and operators actively and of necessity engaged on the extra work. The contractor’s designated representative shall be included and he must be actively involved on a continuous basis in the operation unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer. In no case shall the time of any employee of the contractor or other person be charged for on a lump sum, percentage or estimated basis, and in no case shall any charge be made for administration or management whether the time therefore had or had not been recorded as having been spent on the extra work. To the amount of labour and supervision agreed on may be added to the proper percentages of the amount paid for Workmen’s Compensation, Vacation Pay, Unemployment Insurance and the Firm’s Contribution to Pension Plan. Payment will be made on such itemized bills of cost to the contractor plus 15% of that bill.

d. Materials

The charge for materials will be based on itemized invoices of costs of materials purchased by the Contractor for the extra work, plus 15%, or for the cost of material from the Contractor’s stock based on the current price of the materials, plus 15% to cover administration, overhead and profit. Material so charged becomes the property of the Corporation.

e. Equipment

i. The charges for equipment used by the Contractor shall be based on the O.P.S.S. 127 Rates. Rental rates include depreciation, interest, taxes, insurance, repairs, maintenance, supplies, fuel, lubricants, supervision, overhead and profit. No charge is to be