“Extra Work” means work not provided for in the Contract as awarded but considered by the Engineer essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within its intended scope.

“Additional Work” means work not provided for in the Contract and not considered by the Engineer to be essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within its intended scope.

i. No work shall be regarded as extra work unless it is approved in writing by the Engineer, and with the agreed price and method of payment for it specified in the said approval, provided the said price is not otherwise determined by this contract.

ii. All notifications of claims for extra work shall be submitted to the Engineer before the extra work is started.


i. Notwithstanding anything contained in the General Conditions when it is necessary to perform work which is additional to the Tender items, unit prices to cover the cost of the work shall be negotiated whenever possible.

ii. Where it is impracticable, due to the nature of the work, to negotiate unit prices for extra work not included in the Tender, the cost of this work may be paid for by a force account, and authorized by an order issued prior to carrying out the work, and for which payment is based on hourly rates for labour and equipment and on material invoices.