made for office expense, office supplies or stationery, bookkeeping, financing, or any other overhead accounts. Rental rates other than O.P.S.S. rates must be approved by the Engineer.

ii. The charges for equipment used by the Contractor will be made on the actual number of hours on which the equipment is actively engaged in the extra work. If a unit of equipment is not performing its normal function for a period of time exceeding one hour, it will be on standby time from the time it ceased performing its normal function, provided that the unit of equipment is fully operable and cannot practically be used on other work but must remain on the site in order to continue with its assigned task. This time, together with actual working time will only be paid up to the period of time which constitutes one working day. Payment, if any, for additional gaps must be negotiated and approved by the Engineer. The City will pay the operator or operating crew on an hourly rate for the length of standby, plus 25% of the scheduled equipment rental rate for the machine while standing by.

iii. Equipment rented by the Contractor will be paid at the invoice rate plus 15% unless the invoice rate exceeds the O.P.S.S. rate or when the invoice rate includes an operator exceeds the O.P.S.S. rate when the established rate of the operator is deducted. Equipment exceeding the O.P.S.S. rate will be paid at the invoice rate only, provided approval from the engineer was given prior to commencement of work.

iv. Floating charges will only be paid when the equipment is being transported within the limits of the contract on and off the site of the force account work and is not moving under its own power. When equipment is moved under its own power, the full rental rate will be paid. Payment for transporting equipment from sources outside the limits of the contract must be negotiated through the Engineer.

v. When the Contractor wishes to use oversize equipment, he may do so upon written notice of the Engineer who will determine the rate to be paid.

vi. When force account work is carried out by a sub-contractor, the allowance to the prime contractor will be 5% of the invoice submitted by the sub-contractor exclusive of the sub-contractor’s 15% allowance.

vii. No payment will be made for or in respect to any tools, hand or otherwise which are considered part of the trade.

viii. No payment shall be made for any vehicle (pick up truck, etc.) unless it is actively necessary for the work being carried out. (i.e. the force account work is being carried out at more than one location, or the force account