ii. When the Contractor considers that he has a claim for compensation for costs which he has incurred or for loss he has suffered during the performance of the contract, he should immediately advise the Engineer of Intent to Claim on any specific portion of the Contract.

iii. The Engineer shall record the circumstances of the claim in his “Daily Work Records” and this shall not be construed as acceptance of the claim.

iv. The Contractor shall further notify the Engineer in writing as soon as possible of his intent to Claim but no later than seven (7) calendar days of the commencement of work for which the claim is being made. Upon receipt of such a written notice of claim, the Engineer shall immediately arrange a meeting with the Contractor or arbitrate the claim in accordance with subsection GC 3.21, Claims, Negotiations, Mediation, Arbitration.


Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall at his own expense, supply and provide all the Plant, Temporary Works, materials both for the temporary and for the permanent Works, equipment, labour, (including the supervision thereof) transport to or from the site, and in and about the Works; and other things of every kind required for the construction, completion and maintenance of the Works.

The term “labour” and “equipment” shall include hand tools, supplies and other incidentals.


i. A certificate will be given by the Engineer once a month certifying as to the amount of work done and material furnished and of the value thereof according to the terms of the Contract.

ii. The first certificate shall be of the amount, quantity and value of the work done since the Contractor commenced the performance of this Contract, and every subsequent certificate, except the final one, shall be the amount quantity and value of the work done since the last preceding certificate was given. The Corporation will hold back 10% of the amount shown on the payment certificate in accordance with the Construction Lien Act provided always that the Contractor complies with the requirements of the Construction Lien Act.

iii. The Engineer may, by any certificate, make any correction or modification in any previous certificate which shall have been issued by him and shall have power to withhold any certificate if the Works or any part thereof are not being carried out to his satisfaction.