means that part of the Work which is designed to support the wearing surface and shoulders of the Roadway.

means that part of the Highway designed or intended for use by vehicular traffic and includes the shoulders.

means that portion of the Roadway between the edge of the wearing surface and the top inside edge of the ditch or fill slope.

means special directions containing requirements peculiar to the Work.

means a standard practice required and stipulated by the Owner for performance of the work.

means a layer of material of specified type and thickness between the Subgrade and the Base.

means a person, partnership or corporation undertaking the execution of a part of the Work by virtue of an agreement with the Contractor.

means the Contractor’s authorized representative in responsible charge of the Work.

means the total construction and related services required by the Contract Documents.

means all the lands and easements owned or acquired by the Owner for the construction of the Work.

GC 2



The works shall be constructed as called for in the specifications and as shown on the Contract Drawings.