i. The Corporation does not assume any responsibility for the correctness, accuracy or completeness of the Drawings, with respect to the location of existing structures, utilities, services, pipes, catchbasins, manholes, chambers or other objects (man made or natural) above the ground, on the surface and/or accessible from the surface and should the Drawings be found to be incorrect or incomplete, the Contractor shall not have any claim on this account.

ii. The Corporation does not warrant the exact location of any utility or other subsurface condition that is identified in the Drawings. The Contractor will be responsible for all locates to identify exact locations of any utility or other subsurface condition that is identified within the limits of construction. The Contractor shall not be responsible for any utility or other man-made obstruction that is not identified in the Drawings or described in the specifications, if the presence and/or location of the obstruction could not be identified by site inspection made by the Contractor in accordance with these General Conditions.


The Tenderer shall be required to carry out all the necessary site investigation to arrive at his Total Tender Price for this Contract and under no circumstances will he, as the Contractor, be entitled to receive any extra payment because he may have neglected to investigate the site or because he may encounter ground conditions which he might have thought were not present. He shall satisfy himself; as to the nature of the soil, the bearing capacity and other physical characteristics as well as the location of various earth and rock strata, ground water level, etc. He shall be entirely responsible for determining all of the necessary information relevant to the construction of the Works and he shall not hold the Corporation liable for any item in this regard. He shall verify all matters concerning access to the work, power supplies, location of existing services, utilities, etc., prior to submission of his Tender. Should the Corporation, prior to asking for tenders, have made a soil investigation, soil engineering report, and environmental audits, copies of the same shall be kept on file at the office of the Engineer, and the Tenderer may at any time between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. local time, visit the said office of the Engineer on any working day and examine the said soil report. The Tenderer shall note that the said soil report will have been prepared for the purpose of designing the Works, and he shall in no way hold the Corporation liable for any of the contents of the said report. The report shall be intended to be a guide for the Contractor in ascertaining the