means all machinery and equipment used for preparing, fabricating, conveying or erecting the work and normally referred to as construction machinery and equipment.

means work not provided for in the Contract as awarded but considered by the Engineer essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within its intended scope.

means work not provided for in the Contract and not considered by the Engineer to be essential to the satisfactory completion of the Contract within its intended scope.

means tools that are commonly called tools or implements of the trade and include small power tools. Individually, a tool will be considered as a Hand Tool where the maximum cost is $250.00.

means any public road excluding the road under contract, which forms part of a materials haul route.

means any tender item that has a value, calculated on the basis of its actual or estimated tender quantity whichever is the larger, multiplied by its tender unit price, which is equal to or greater than the lesser of:

a) $100,000. Or

b) 5% of the total tender value calculated on the basis of the total of all the estimated tender quantities and the tender unit prices.

means the party to the Contract for whom the Work is being performed, as identified in the Agreement.

means a wearing course or courses placed on the Roadway and consisting of asphaltic concrete, portland cement concrete, or plant or road mixed mulch.

means the required elevation of the surface of the Base.

means the lands acquired at any time for use as