Windsor for the work described therein in accordance with these specifications.

consists of the Agreement, Form of Tender, Form of Bond, General Conditions, the Drawings and the Specifications, together with the Schedule of Unit Prices, Instructions to Tenderers, and any modifications thereof, incorporated in the documents before their execution.

the Corporation of the City of Windsor.

a person, firm, or company who submits a tender for these works, which tender is subsequently accepted.

means, for the purpose of, and within the meaning of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, R.S.O. 1980, C.321 and amendments thereto, the contractor who executes the contract.

a person, firm, or company who submits a tender for these works, which tender is subsequently accepted.

the works described in these tender documents for either or both supply, and installation or construction.

means a layer of material of specified type and thickness placed immediately below the pavement, driving surface, finished grade, curb and gutter or sidewalk.

means the time stipulated in the Contract Documents for Substantial Performance of the Work, including any extension of Contract Time made pursuant to the Contract Documents.

mean daily records kept detailing the number and categories of workers and hours worked or on standby; types and quantities of equipment and number of hours in use or on standby; and description and quantities of material utilized.

means the earth surface, whether in cut or fill, as prepared for the Base or Sub-base.