Document/Issue Mitigating Measure/Commitments/Recommendations from EA Implemented(Yes/No) Action SummaryReference Nos. Additions/Exceptions
The natural channel design will be guided by the following principles Balance of erosive and resisting forces to provide a channel in a state of dynamic equilibrium

AS4, AS7
Achieving a state of dynamic equilibrium is not possible due to predominant influence of hydrographic characteristics of the Detroit River.
Provision of enhanced aquatic and terrestrial habitats Yes AS4  
Enhancement of retention and detention functions for flow and sediment Yes AS5  
Improvement in downstream water quality Yes AS5  
There is a potential opportunity to undertake enhancement measures such as providing habitat for spawning pike and other species. By removing the small gravel berm at the shoreline of the Detroit River and enhancing the channel through deepening, widening and vegetation removals, this area should contain enough water to support Northern Pike (and other species) through the spawning season.

The planting of native marsh vegetation will enhance the habitat potential forfish spawning. Yes AS4  
Deepening and widening the channel will potentially provide longer periods of inundation and removal of the berm will allow for fish to move back and forth between the drain/watercourse and the Detroit River.

The total length of channel in which the enhancements will occur is 545 m. With a 2 m wide channel, approximately 1,090 m2 of habitat will be enhanced for pike spawning habitat and other warm water species.

The actual length of the channel that will be enhanced is 670 m. On a water area basis, the amount of Drain that will be inundated by the Detroit River at the low water datum, long-term average, and maximum monthlymean water level is approximately 1,990 m 2, 5,600 m2, and 10,720 m2, respectively. Therefore, even during a low water stage, the Broadway Drain will provide 183% of the amount of fish habitat that the EA committed to providing. During period of average and maximum mean Detroit River water levels, more than 5.1 and 9.8 times the specified amounts will be provided.
  Monitoring Program A monitoring program will begin with the commencement of construction and will continue for a specified period of time post-construction (time length subject to conditions of the site-specific authorizations). The monitoring program will be in place to ensure that mitigation and compensation measures are effective and working as designed. If any such mitigation and/or compensation measures are found to be deficient or not effective, corrective actions should be taken or additional measures put in place to correct deficiencies. The specific attributes of the monitoring program will be derived during the authorization process. Any alterations to the approved mitigation and/or compensation plans during construction will be forwarded to the agencies, including DFO, for review and approval prior to implementation.

AS2, AS4, AS9