Document/Issue | Mitigating Measure/Commitments/Recommendations from EA | Implemented(Yes/No) | Action SummaryReference Nos. | Additions/Exceptions |
Removal and exposure of topsoil and subsoils during construction of culvert extension at Tributary āDā and channel realignments. | Design and implement erosion and sediment controls to contain/isolate the construction zone, manage site drainage/runoff and ensure all areas draining to Broadway Drain are stabilized following construction. | Yes |
AS2, AS8 |
Manage excess material by temporarily storing, handling and disposing of all materials generated (e.g., organics, soils, wood debris, concrete, etc.) during site preparation, construction and clean-up to prevent their entry intoBroadway Drain. | Yes |
AS2 |
Temporary stockpiles of material are to be stockpiled a minimum of 30 m fromthe watercourse and temporarily stabilized and/or contained. | Yes | AS2 | ||
Uncontrolled release of dewatering effluent from excavation of culvert extension orchannel realignment. | Manage dewatering operations from excavation to prevent erosion and/or release of sediment laden contaminated water to Broadway Drain. | Yes |
AS2 |
Design and use temporary settling basins, filter bags and energy dischargediffusers as required. | Yes | AS2 | ||
Mobile or stationary equipment may release or leak fuel, oil, grease or other contaminant to the watercourse. | Prohibit/limit access to watercourse/watercourse banks. | Yes | AS2 | Access will be limited to the extent needed to properly construct the new channel |
Management of spills (spill response plan). | Yes | AS2 | ||
Management of equipment - operate, maintain and store (e.g., refuel, lubricate)all equipment and materials in a manner that prevents entry of any deleterious substances to the watercourse. | Yes |
AS2 |
Increase erosion potential | Prohibit/limit access to watercourse/watercourse banks. | Yes | AS2 | Access will be limited to the extent needed to properly construct the new channel |
Design and implement erosion and sediment controls to contain/isolate the construction zone, manage site drainage/runoff and ensure all areas draining to Broadway Drain are stabilized following construction. | Yes |
AS2 |
Stabilize and revegetate all disturbed flood plain areas that drain to Broadway Drain, including stabilization of newly constructed channel realignment. | Yes |
AS2, AS8 |
Directly/indirectly adversely affect fish/eggs. | Transfer any fish isolated in the work area of Broadway Drain using appropriate capture, handling and release techniques to prevent harm/stress to fish.Release in suitable habitat downstream of work area. | Yes |
AS3 |
Implement timing restrictions, as identified by MNR, on in-water work to protect sensitive life stages of fish. | Yes | AS3 | ||
Potential Enhancement and Compensation Opportunities | In situations where the application of the mitigation measures cannot sufficiently address the residual effects of the crossing on fish and fish habitat, habitat compensation measures may be required to counterbalance or offsetthe residual effects. | Yes |
AS3, AS4 |
The designs will be based on natural channel design principles and proven approaches as experienced by the design specialists. | Yes | AS4 | ||
The selected designs will require approval from the regulatory agencies before implementation. | Yes | AS4 | ||
Appropriate channel form and design elements will be based upon the results of detailed geomorphological assessments. | Yes | AS4 |