Document/Issue Mitigating Measure/Commitments/Recommendations from EA Implemented(Yes/No) Action SummaryReference Nos. Additions/Exceptions
Site Inspection and Monitoring An environmental inspector experienced in working around watercourses will be responsible for inspecting the erosion and sediment control measures andidentifying deficiencies.

The inspector will also assess all of the other general mitigation measures to ensure they are implemented as intended. Yes AS2  
The inspector will ensure all environmental mitigation and design measures are properly installed/constructed and maintained, and appropriate contingency and response plans are in place and implemented if required.

For any works requiring channel realignment, appropriate specialists (fluvial geomorphologists, fisheries biologists) will be used. They will also be responsible for obtaining specialist advice (e.g., hydrology/hydraulics, fisheries)as required during the construction of the new channel.

Post-construction monitoring is typically prescribed in the federal Fisheries Act Authorization and the terms and conditions of this authorization will be met.

Post-construction monitoring, if prescribed, will determine the effectiveness ofenvironmental protection and compensation measures identify problem areas and recommend corrective measures.

Clearing by use of industrial equipment Design and install native woody riparian vegetation groundcover seed mixes to pre-construction conditions or better for the channel realignment at BroadwayDrain.

AS4, AS8
Potential bank instability and exposed soils. Newly created channels will be stabilized with groundcover seed mix, erosioncontrol blanket, vegetation plantings and rock treatment to prevent/minimize erosion.

AS2, AS8
Stabilize and revegetate all disturbed flood plain areas. Yes AS2, AS4  
Design and implement temporary erosion and sediment control measures (e.g. silt fence, etc.) to minimize erosion of exposed soils during construction untilsite is stabilized.

Potential bank instability and exposed soils from grading of highway fill embankment, flood plain and channel realignments. The newly created channel of Broadway Drain, including banks, will be stabilized with groundcover seed mix, erosion control blanket, vegetationplantings and rock treatment to prevent/minimize erosion.

AS4, AS8
Design and implement erosion and sediment controls to prevent erosion ofexposed soils and migration of sediment to watercourse. Yes AS2, AS4, AS8  
Rehabilitation of exposed soils/surfaces (stabilize and re-vegetate). Yes AS2, AS8  
Store, handle and dispose of all excess fill materials in a manner that preventstheir entry to the watercourses. Yes AS2  
Changes to slopes and drainage (flood plain, high slopes, new channel). Rehabilitate exposed soil surfaces that drain to the watercourses, including thechannel bed and banks of the watercourse. Yes AS2, AS4, AS8  
Design drainage system and stable slope grades within floodplain and realigned channel of Broadway drain to mimic overland drainage patterns and runoffcontribution to the watercourse.

AS4, AS8
Addition or removal of instream organic structure by placementof fill material. Design and install instream cover habitat elements (overhanging vegetation, boulders, etc.) in channel realignment of Broadway Drain to replace those removed from proposed works and enhance the newly created channel.

AS4, AS8