Document/Issue Mitigating Measure/Commitments/Recommendations from EA Implemented(Yes/No) Action SummaryReference Nos. Additions/Exceptions
Construction Access, Site Controls and Operational Constraints The construction access and work areas will be confined to the extent required for the construction activities, and these areas then delimited in the field usingappropriately installed protective fencing.

Removal of riparian vegetation, particularly woody vegetation, will be kept to the minimum necessary for the project works. Woody vegetation that will likely need to be removed will be replaced with appropriate native species. This will be implemented through a comprehensive landscape design contract.

Any temporarily stockpiled material, construction or related materials will beproperly contained (e.g., within silt fencing) in areas separated a minimum of 30 m from any waterbody.

All construction materials and debris will be removed and appropriatelydisposed of following construction. Yes AS2  
Every effort will be made to retain as much of the natural vegetation as reasonably possible to help ensure bank stability, control erosion, and expeditethe re-colonization of vegetative cover.

All vegetation clearing required for access will be conducted using properclearing techniques and appropriate construction timing windows as may be defined by other legislation (e.g., Migratory Birds Convention Act ).

All debris and potential contaminants generated from construction of the structure will be properly sited and contained to prevent debris from entering the watercourse, and all debris will be properly disposed of off-site.

All activity will be controlled so as to prevent entry of any petroleum products, debris or other potential contaminants/deleterious substances, in addition to sediment as outlined above, to any waterbody. No storage, maintenance or refueling of equipment will be conducted near any waterbody. A Spills Prevention and Response Plan will be developed by the Contractor and kept on site at all times.

Enhancement Measures Following Construction All of the areas disturbed during construction will be restored, stabilized and re- vegetated as soon as the works are completed to prevent migration of fine material to the watercourses during runoff events, as well as minimizing theopportunity for colonization of the area by non-native, invasive species.

AS2, AS8
Only native plants, compatible with site conditions will be used. Detailed landscaping plans will be prepared during subsequent design phases. Yes AS8  
Specific attention will be directed at naturalized re-construction, stabilization, inspection and re-vegetation (where light is present) of all disturbed channel and bank transition zones, valley slopes and floodplains, to ensure there is no potential for erosion and to re-naturalize these areas.

Temporary/biodegradable erosion control fabric or other passive means of providing temporary erosion control will be installed on the re-constructed bank zones, as well as on the disturbed embankment areas draining to the watercourses as required, to provide temporary protection until vegetative cover is fully re-established. All disturbed areas should be reseeded with appropriate native seed mixtures wherever feasible.