Data related to fish rescue activities conducted under a licence to collect fish issued by MNR shall be collected and recorded on MNR Fish Collection Record (FCR) forms and submitted to the MNR District Office to the attention of the MNR Management Biologist and to the Contract Administrator within one week following the completion of the fish rescue activities. Species at Risk Reporting During Fish Rescue

When a species protected under the Species at Risk Act or the Endangered Species Act is incidentally captured during fish rescue activities, it shall be immediately released at the point of capture and reported to the Contract Administrator, the local MNR, and the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) District Office.

All mortalities of species protected under the Species at Risk Act or the Endangered Species Act associated with the fish rescue activities shall be reported to the Contract Administrator, the MNR District Office, and the DFO District Office immediately upon being discovered.



All materials used to provide environmental protection shall not contain deleterious substances.



All equipment used for the Work in waterbodies shall be free of excess or leaking fuel, lubricants, coolant and any other contaminants that could enter the waterbody.

182.07 182.07.01


General Requirements

In addition to the environmental protection requirements specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents, all Work shall be controlled to provide effective waterbody and fish habitat protection.

Unless specified in the Contract Documents, waterbodies shall not be diverted, relocated, blocked, or filled and temporary waterbody crossings shall not be constructed or used.

Unless specified in the Contract Documents, vehicles and equipment shall not enter or be operated in waterbodies or on waterbody banks or in riparian vegetation areas.

The limit of any area to be disturbed shall be clearly marked prior to commencement of the Work. The markings shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract.

Trees, shrubs, and other vegetation not specified for removal shall be preserved according to the Contract Documents.

Erosion and sediment control measures shall be in place according to OPSS 805 prior to the removal of low vegetative cover and shall remain effective at all times, including seasonal and other shut down periods.

All exposed soils or disturbed areas that drain to any waterbody shall be treated with seed and cover according to OPSS 804 immediately after exposure or upon completion of the Work in or around the waterbody or on the waterbody bank.