For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions apply:

Deleterious Substance means as defined in the Fisheries Act.

Fish means as defined in the Fisheries Act.

Fish Habitat means as defined in the Fisheries Act.

High Water Level means the highest point on the bank or floodplain of a waterbody where the water level reaches during high flow events or periods.

Licence to Collect Fish means as defined in Part IV of Ontario Regulation 664/98, under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.

Low Water Level means the lowest point on the bank or steam bed of a waterbody where the water level recedes to during low flow events or periods.

Normal Water Level means the average water level that occurs between high water level events or periods and low water level events or periods.

Riparian Vegetation Areas means vegetation areas within 30 m of the top of a waterbody bank.

Temporary Flow Control means a temporary flow control device in conjunction with a temporary water conveyance device that is used to isolate a Working Area from a waterbody.

Temporary Waterbody Crossing means a temporary crossing limited to the conveyance of construction equipment and vehicles and includes a fill and culvert, a bridge, or a ford.

Waterbody means any permanent or intermittent, natural or constructed body of water including lakes, ponds, wetlands and watercourses, but does not include sewage works as defined in the Ontario Water Resources Act.

Waterbody Bank means the slope on or adjacent to a waterbody from the normal water level to the top of slope.

Watercourse means a stream, creek, river, or channel including ditches, in which the flow of water is permanent, intermittent, or temporary.




Submission Requirements

Fish Rescue Approval, Notification, and Reporting

A licence to collect fish issued by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) according to Ontario Regulation 664/98 made under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to authorize any fish rescue activities shall be obtained, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. A copy of the licence to collect fish shall be provided to the Contract Administrator upon receipt from MNR.

The MNR District Office shall be notified in advance of undertaking any fish rescue activities according to the requirements of the licence to collect fish.