Vehicular and equipment maintenance and refueling shall be conducted as far away from waterbodies, waterbody banks and riparian vegetation areas as possible and practicable, and shall be controlled to prevent any discharge of equipment fuels and fluids onto the ground or into waterbodies.

All stockpiled materials, including but not limited to excavated overburden and topsoil, excess materials, construction debris and containers shall be stored and stabilized in a manner that prevents them from entering any waterbody.

When temporary flow control must be undertaken for the Work it shall be according to the Contract Documents. When temporary flow control is undertaken using a pump, the intake shall be controlled to prevent entry of fish and other aquatic wildlife.


Fish Rescue

Fish stranded by the Work shall be rescued according to a licence to collect fish obtained from MNR, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, and shall be immediately released in suitable habitat within the same waterbody or watershed or both as close to the collection site as possible. If fish cannot be safely relocated within the same waterbody or watershed or both, the local MNR shall be consulted prior to fish collection commencing to determine a suitable relocation site.

Fish passage controls shall be used to prevent fish from re-entering the Working Area. In the event that the fish passage controls fail, additional fish rescues shall be performed to remove the fish from the Working Area prior to recommencing construction.

Electrofishing equipment shall be used as the primary fish rescue technique, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, or conditions are unsuitable or unsafe for electrofishing.

All fish shall be handled as little as possible and in a manner that minimizes stress to the fish.

All persons conducting electrofishing shall possess valid Ontario Electrofishing Certification according to MNR policy.


Contingency Measures

When an environmental protection measure is found to be ineffective, corrective actions shall be taken immediately including repair or replacement of the measure to ensure waterbody and fish habitat protection.


Management of Excess Material

Management of excess material shall be according to the Contract Documents.



Payment at the Contract price for the appropriate tender items that require environmental protection shall include full compensation for all labour, Equipment, and Material to do the work.

When the Contract contains separate items for work required by this specification, payment shall be at the Contract prices and according to the specifications for such work.