The purpose of this document is to fulfill a regulatory requirement of the Gordie Howe International Bridge (GHIB) Project under the Bridge to Strengthen Trade Act (BSTA). The BSTA came into force on June 1, 2012 and was developed specifically for a bridge spanning the Detroit River from Windsor, Ontario to Detroit, Michigan. It provides definitions pertaining to the types and location of GHIB in water and near water Project works and components that are subject to the provisions of the BSTA.

Section 8 of the BSTA requires that a plan for the protection of fish is filed with the Canadian Minister of Transport before any works are carried out that would otherwise cause an authorization under the Fisheries Act. As per the requirements of the BSTA, this Fisheries Plan contains all mitigation measures to protect fish and fish habitat in Healy Drain for Early Works. The protection measures in this Plan must be implemented by all parties on the Canadian Port of Entry, including third parties. The Contractor and third parties must develop Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) that demonstrate how all the objectives of the BSTA Fisheries Plan will be accomplished.

The Early Works on Healy Drain are within the area defined in Section 1 of the BSTA and therefore falls under the jurisdiction of the Act. The Healy Drain and associated works are considered part of the Project and are subject to the requirements of the BSTA.
