Pathways of Effect |
Stressor (Potential Impact) |
Mitigation Measures |
Negative Residual Effects |
that drain to Broadway Drain, including stabilization of newly constructed channelrealignment. | |||
Directly/indirectly adversely affect fish/eggs. | Transfer any fish isolated in the work area of Broadway Drain using appropriate capture, handling and release techniques to prevent harm/stress to fish. Release in suitable habitat downstream of work area. Implement timing restrictions, as identified by MNR, on in- water work to protectsensitive life stages of fish. |
No residual effects with implementation of mitigation measures. |
5.0 Categorization of Project Risk and HADD Determination
Remaining residual effects after the application of mitigation measures were assessed in terms of the resulting Scale of Negative Effect (extent, duration, and intensity) in the context of the fish habitat being affected (i.e., the Sensitivity of Fish and Fish Habitat). The DFO risk assessment matrix, which incorporates the above two factors (i.e., Scale of Negative Effect and Sensitivity of Fish/Fish Habitat), was used to characterize the level of risk that the project, at each watercourse, poses to the productive capacity of fish habitat. The results were used to help determine whether the works will result in the Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction (HADD) of fish habitat, as defined under the Fisheries Act.
Using the risk matrix, based on the Scale of Negative Effects (Low, Medium, High) (Table 4a) and Sensitivity of Fish and Fish Habitat (Low, Moderate, High) (Table 4b), it is concluded there is “Moderate Risk” of a HADD of fish/fish habitat resulting from the proposed Broadway Drain realignment (Figure 3). This determination assumes sources of uncertainty with predicting the scale of negative effect (e.g., timeframe for the channel realignments to become fully functional as habitat), the sensitivity of fish habitat, and also assumes that the design and construction mitigation measures as specified will be implemented for the project.