
Table 4. Risk Assessment (Scale of Negative Effect and Sensitivity of Fish and Fish Habitat).

a) Scale of Negative Effect

Attribute Description Major Points
Extent Refers to direct “footprint” of the development proposal, as well as areas indirectly affected. Medium – The realignment of 545 m of channel realignment on Broadway Drain will have a localized impact, or at most impact the channel reach due to the intermittent nature (i.e. storm flow events) and the amount of existing development in the area.
Duration The amount of time that a residual effect will persist. Medium – The channel realignment will take potentially one to two years to fully stabilize.
Intensity The expected amount of change for the baseline condition. i.e. changes in temperature, salinity, flow, etc. The timing of works may have a major influence on intensity. Low –No appreciable changes in temperature, flow or salinity are expected, as this is an intermittent system.