Pathways of Effect |
Stressor (Potential Impact) |
Mitigation Measures |
Negative Residual Effects |
a minimum of 30 m from the watercourse and temporarily stabilized and/or contained. | |||
Uncontrolled release of dewatering effluent from excavation of culvert extension or channel realignment. | Manage dewatering operations from excavation to prevent erosion and/or release of sediment laden contaminated water to Broadway Drain. Design and use temporary settling basins, filter bagsand energy discharge diffusers as required. |
No residual effects with implementation of mitigation measures. | |
Use of Industrial Equipment (B2) | Mobile or stationary equipment may release or leak fuel, oil, grease or other contaminant to thewatercourse. | Prohibit/limit access to watercourse/watercourse banks.Management of spills (spill response plan). | No residual effects with implementation of mitigation measures. |
Management of equipment - operate, maintain and store (e.g., refuel, lubricate) all equipment and materials in a manner that prevents entry ofany deleterious substances to the watercourse. | |||
Increase erosion potential | Prohibit/limit access to watercourse/watercourse banks. | No residual effects with implementation of mitigationmeasures. | |
Design and implement erosion and sediment controls to contain/isolate the construction zone, manage site drainage/runoff and ensure all areas draining to Broadway Drain are stabilized following construction. | |||
Stabilize and revegetate all disturbed flood plain areas |