the provisions of the Drainage Act, therefore any modification or improvement of the Drains must be made in accordance with the Act. Transport Canada and the City of Windsor require improvement to the subject drains for the proper drainage of the proposed bridge plaza and perimeter roadway. A new report is needed for both the Broadway and Healy Drains. Transport Canada has entered into an agreement with the City of Windsor, whereby the City will undertake the required improvements as the “initiating municipality”, and Transport Canada will reimburse the City for the full cost of the drainage works, including preparation of the Engineer’s Reports.

3.0 Highlight the Drainage Act Process

A summary of the process that will be followed in preparing the new reports, and what the process entails once the new Engineer’s Report have been filed with the City, was presented. The opportunities that the property owners have for appeal were highlighted. It is anticipated that the designs will be complete and the reports will be filed within the next few months.

Once the reports are filed, a notice of the meeting to consider the reports before City of Windsor Council will be sent to all of the property owners affected by the drainage works, as well as a copy of the report which will detail the costs and assessments to the various properties.

4.0 Review any specific drainage needs

Aerial images of the site with colour overlays to emphasize various properties were presented to highlight the extents of the tributary lands that will be potentially affected by the drainage works area. The known drainage needs associated with the proposed drain improvements were noted. It was pointed out that the Broadway Drain will likely be enlarged and realigned and that the upstream portion may be enclosed. It was also stated that a significant portion of the Healy Drain will be abandoned and that some of the lands that currently outlet to the Healy Drain will be diverted to the Broadway Drain.

5.0 Questions

Sandee Hrynyk (Brighton Beach Power Ltd.) inquired about the timing of construction and asked if access to their site would be maintained during construction. Dan Krutsch responded that that access would be maintained to all adjacent properties throughout construction. Construction is targeted to being by the end of August, but at this time, no definitive timeline could be confirmed.

Jeremy Warnock (Dainty Foods Inc.) asked if their property will be connected to the new Broadway Drain and indicated that their site has some drainage issues at this time. Dan Krutsch that the drainage works will significantly improve the