drainage outlet for all properties along Broadway Street, which will allow Dainty to undertake site drainage improvements.

Mazin Mansour and Marco Ricci (Nemak Canada) indicated that they have some issues related to their current ponds. At this time they have to manually open and shut the valves from the pond to release/holdback flow. Due to the construction of the bridge plaza, their ponds will be moved to the south west corner of the site. Alain Michaud (Stantec) indicated that the new ponds will most likely be connected by culverts under the bridge plaza to the Broadway drain. The specifics of how the ponds on the Nemak Canada site will connect to the improved drains have not yet been finalized.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

This meeting summary was prepared by Mr. Daniel M. Krutsch, P.Eng.