(a) each member of council in respect of his or her services as a member of the council or any other body, including a local board, to which the member has been appointed by council or on which the member holds office by virtue of being a member of council;

(b) each member of council in respect of his or her services as an officer or employee of the municipality or other body described in clause (a); and

(c) each person, other than a member of council, appointed by the municipality to serve as a member of any body, including a local board, in respect of his or her services as a member of the body.

Additionally, in order to fully reflect travel cost, the report also includes travel related expenses that were not reimbursed but paid directly by the municipality and attributable to an individual.

Furthermore, on April 16, 2012 Council Resolution M182-2012 directed as follows:

“That the report of the City Treasurer dated March 30, 2012 regarding Councillors and Appointees 2011 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses BE RECEIVED for information, and further, that Administration BE DIRECTED, on a go-forward basis, to ENDEAVOR to include in future reports, the same information currently collected for City Councillors, for City appointees to City agencies, boards and commissions, provided that they are not subject to any legislative restrictions.”

As requested by Council Resolution M182-2012, the additional information collected is reflected in Appendix D – Schedule of Mayor, Council and Appointees Remuneration and Expenses for 2019 from City ABC’s (Direct Payments Made by the Listed Organizations) attached.

Compensation Review Committee

Council Report C 228/2017 recommended that a full review of Council compensation be completed by the Council Compensation Review Committee with a mandate of recommending updated elected official remuneration in time for the new term of Council. The review had been prompted by the elimination of the 1/3 Elected Official Tax-Free Remuneration in 2019 and the need for a mechanism to regularly adjust elected officials’ base pay.

Based on the Council Compensation Review Committee’s recommendations, Council approved base salaries for the Mayor and Council for 2019, with increases equal to the annual percentage increase afforded to Non-Union employees.

Further, Council passed Decision Number: CR632/2018

1. That City Council BE REQUESTED to strike a new committee to review compensation for the Mayor and Council for every term of Council (every four

years) at mid-term on a go forward basis starting in 2020.

2. That the Policy of elected officials not claiming personal mileage within Windsor-Essex BE CONTINUED.