Item No. 8.3


Council Report: C 40/2020

Subject: Mayor, Councillors and Appointees Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for 2019


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the report of the City Treasurer regarding the Mayor, Councillors and Appointees 2019 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses BE RECEIVED for information; and,

THAT consistent with Council’s direction as per CR 632/2018 that City Council REAFFIRM the formation of a five-member, independent Council Compensation Review Committee, along with the terms of reference for the Committee, attached hereto as Appendix F to this report; and,

THAT the City Clerk BE DIRECTED to advertise for the purpose of soliciting interested community representatives on the citizen panel of the Council Compensation Review Committee.

Executive Summary:



Statement of Remuneration

In compliance with the Municipal Act, each year the City Treasurer provides a report to council that itemizes the remuneration paid and expenses reimbursed in the previous year to: