A Parklet Cafe is a patio which is constructed within the limits of a parking stall, fronting the applicant’s business. They are clearly defined from adjacent parking spaces, with a curb height platform and enclosed by railings. This option would give pedestrians a continued path of travel along the sidewalk and allows business owners approximately 140 square feet (7’-0” x 20’-0”) of additional seating space. Appendix B outlines the construction requirements pertaining to these curb height platforms.

Option 2: Curbside Cafe (Detoured Walkway)


Curbside Cafe (Detoured Walkway) image retrieved June 20, 2020 from City of Lethbridge – Patio Parklet

Streetvending Handbook 2020

A Curbside Cafe gives business owners the opportunity to extend their sidewalk cafe to the curb line, while providing pedestrians with a clear path of travel through the entire width of the adjacent parking stall. Construction of the detoured walkway would be similar to that of the parklet, ensuring it is clearly defined with a curb height platform and railings (Appendix B).

Thirteen (13) City departments, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and the Special Events Resources Team (SERT) were circulated on this request in order to obtain comments related to the parklet and curbside cafe pilot project proposal. All information provided by this group are referenced on (Appendix D). A mixture of Administrative comments and regulations obtained from other Municipalities (Vancouver, Lethbridge, Toronto & San Francisco) provided the framework for this pilot project.

Walkerville BIA

Eleven (11) restaurants within the Walkerville BIA as mentioned in Councillor Holt’s motion, were contacted to better understand their thoughts and ideas. It was found that eight (8) of the businesses would be interested in exploring the option of expanding their patio into the right-of-way and the remaining three (3) restaurants were pursuing other opportunities. A site visit was completed to determine eligibility of venues within the Walkerville BIA. Four (4) of the eight (8) interested venues may not qualify for a parklet or curbside cafe due to existing street furniture, utilities or a lack of parking space