1. Request Administration to review and consult with the Walkerville BIA and the Appended List (11 venues) of restaurants who wish to undertake, at no additional cost to the City of Windsor, temporary extended patio construction.

2. Request Administration to document the opportunities and challenges associated with temporary extended patio construction, and outline potential mitigation measures required to enable the construction and installation of temporary extended patios.

3. Request Administration have this report in the hands of council in time to conduct an email poll by June 26 at the latest

4. That the above be considered a pilot project and that it also be replicated in other BIA’s where possible if it is successful

5. That this also be given consideration for applicability to restaurants/businesses that are not in BIA’s, in which case these establishments are to work through their Ward Councillors, and that this opportunity be communicated by the City of Windsor


A sidewalk café is an outdoor seating area located within a public right-of-way, which functions as a seasonal extension of the restaurant. In order to operate a sidewalk café, one must obtain an annual permit. As a result of COVID19, the City of Windsor has agreed to waive permit and annual fees for the 2020 sidewalk cafe season, in an effort to support local restaurants and small businesses.

This report discusses two options set out by Administration, which can be constructed in conjunction with an existing sidewalk cafe or on its’ own, in order to aid in physical distancing, provided their proposed location meets the guidelines outlined within this report (Appendix A).

Option 1: Parklet Cafe


Parklet Cafe image retrieved June 20, 2020 from City of Toronto – Sidewalk Cafe and Parklet Cafe By-law Guide