Item No. 11.4


Council Report: C 130/2020

Subject: Response to CR323-2020 - Report on the Walkerville BIA Parklet and Curbside Cafe Pilot Project - Ward 4


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. 1. That the response to CR323-2020 BE RECEIVED for information, AND
  2. 2. That Council APPROVES the Walkerville BIA Parklet and Curbside Cafe Pilot Project for the 2020 cafe season, as outlined in this report, AND
  3. 3. That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report outlining the results of this project, to be included in the 2021 Budget documents for possible continuation and expansion of the program, AND
  4. 4. That Council APPROVES the waiving of Meter Bag fees for the 2020 cafe season, as outlined within the Financial Matters section of this report.

Executive Summary:



On June 15, 2020 Councillor Holt requested the following:

CR323/2020 - In a further effort to support restaurants during the economic recovery from Covid-19 and to promote proper physical distancing, City Council APPROVES the following: