Item No. 8.5


Council Report: C 93/2020

Subject: Appointment of Drainage Engineer - 6th Concession Drain


Date to Council: June 1, 2020 Author: Andrew Dowie Engineer III (519) 255-6257 ext. 6490 Design and Development Report Date: May 12, 2020 Clerk’s File #: SW2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the firm of Dillon Consulting Limited BE APPOINTED as Drainage Engineer to prepare a Drainage Report under Section 8 of the Drainage Act for improvements to the 6th Concession Drain.

Executive Summary:



The 6th Concession Drain is a north-south drain located approximately 700m east of the Sixth Concession Road and west of Walker Road before crossing Walker Road just south of County Road 42 and continuing east. It ultimately heads east adjacent to Baseline Road towards its outlet at the Little River.

To address ongoing maintenance issues related erosion and sediment control, Administration will undertake improvements that result in a design change to the existing Sixth Concession Drain south of Provincial Road and the Detroit River Tunnel Partnership corridor.


When there is a deviation from the approved design, a Drainage Engineer must be appointed to undertake a Drainage Report as designated in the Drainage Act.