Item No. 8.2


Council Report: C 94/2020

Subject: RFP 17-20 Street Sweeper and Accessories - City Wide


Date to Council: June 1, 2020 Author: Chad Goebel Fleet Coordinator 519-255-6560 x4235 Public Works - Operations Report Date: May 13, 2020 Clerk’s File #: SW/13814

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE the award of RFP 17-20; and,

THAT the Purchasing Manager BE AUTHORIZED to issue a purchase order to Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. in the amount of $374,609.00 (excluding HST) for the purchase of the street sweeper and accessories as identified in the request for proposal process, subject to approval as to technical content by the City Engineer and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer.

Executive Summary:



The existing unit is beyond its predetermined life cycle. This purchase is to replace one (1), six (6) wheeled, eight (8) cubic yard, pure vacuum street sweeper in our Public Works Environmental Division, from the City fleet.


Discussion: To select a replacement unit RFP # 17-20 was issued by the Purchasing Department on February 4th, 2020 and closed on February 27th, 2020. Two submissions where received and evaluated. Technical specifications and cost were the two criteria which were rated and combined to give a final overall score. Joe Johnson Equipment submitted the proposal that had the lowest cost while achieving the highest technical score which resulted in the highest overall score.