Failure To Comply With Policy

Enforcement Procedures For Municipal Alcohol Policy Violation

A violation occurs when the S.O.P. holders fail to comply with this policy or the conditions of the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario or any other relevant legislation. Depending on the violation, intervention can be initiated by a participant at the event, City of Windsor staff members, a member of Windsor Police Service or an Inspector of the AGCO.

An Event Worker or Permit Holder/Host may intervene by informing the offending individual(s) of the policy violation and that it cease. Event Workers should feel encouraged to intervene in this way because intervention at other levels could result in the loss of privileges and legal charges.

Facility Staff will intervene whenever he or she encounters a violation of this policy. Depending upon the severity of the violation, Facility Staff may ask the Permit Holder/Host or Event Workers to stop the violation or they may close down the event. Should the violation persist, Facility Staff may call the police for enforcement.

Where the Permit Holder/Host has violated the Municipal Alcohol Policy, and has been confronted by Facility Staff, the Permit Holder/Host will be sent a letter advising them of the violation and indicating that no further violation will be tolerated. At this time the facility manager may at his/her discretion revoke user privileges for the Permit Holder/Host, based upon the severity of the violation(s). (The Permit Holder/Host will also forfeit the "Event Deposit", if applicable.) The Permit Holder/Host will also be invoiced for any costs or damages.

Should the Permit Holder/Host or those for whom they are responsible, violate the policy within one year of receiving notice of their first violation, the Permit Holder/Host may be suspended from organized use of City of Windsor properties for a period of one year. A registered letter will be sent to the Permit Holder/Host advising of the suspension.

The facility manager reserves the right to revoke rental privileges immediately for any serious incident (i.e. serving without a proper licence, loss of control, total neglect of the facility, etc.). Whether an incident is of such seriousness to warrant immediate revocation is within the discretion of the facility manager. An individual or organized group may appeal to the Executive Director of Recreation to have their privileges re-instated.

Where infractions are related to the a copy will be sent to the Liquor Licence Act Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

A member of the Windsor Police Service or AGCO Inspector may intervene in a violation of the on his or her initiative, or in response to a Liquor Licence Act request either from Facility Staff or a member of the general public. Depending on the infraction, charges may be laid under the and/or any Liquor Licence Act other relevant legislation.