Outdoor Temporary Liquor Facilities
Specific Additional Requirements for Outdoor Temporary Liquor Facilities
1. The tent or outdoor areas shall be properly enclosed by a 4’ chain linked, 2 ½ “ criss-cross metal mesh fence on four sides, installed at least ten (10) feet from the tent.
2. Toilet facilities will be provided within the confines of the enclosed area in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code.
3. Exit and entrance signs will be clearly posted and must remain open and accessible at all times.
4. The posting of “Total Capacity” signs as determined by the Fire Chief or designate shall be required in order to assist in controlling admission.
5. Admission area and confined areas must be staffed by competent staff personnel.
6. Dress Code signs will be posted at the main entrance.
7. Security staff personnel will be available to ensure that a large gathering does not occur at the entrance of the tent or licensed area.
8. Clean up personnel will be set up to ensure constant attention to emptying containers and table clean up.
9. Dispensing bottles will be eliminated and only plastic or other non- glass containers shall be used.
10. Adequate security staff personnel will be present inside the tent or enclosure at all times as determined by the Windsor Police Services.
11. Permit Holder/Host and Event Workers shall abide by and follow all the rules and regulations as stated by the of Ontario. Liquor License Act
12. The Windsor Police Service or any other competent authorities have the authority to close operations as permitted by the law.
13. Proper lighting will be provided internally as well as around the outside perimeter of the tent.
14. The number of police personnel, if required, shall be determined by the Windsor Police Services.
15. Permit Holder/Host will have a designated liaison person to communicate with the Police throughout the duration of the operation of the facility.
16. The Windsor Police Service will help coordinate staff meetings with the Permit Holder/Host to discuss the performance to be expected of the Event Workers.