Promotion of Safe Transportation

The permit holder will be responsible for promoting safe transportation options for all the drinking participants and must ensure that no one leaves the facility in an intoxicated state. Examples of safe transportation options are:

The risk of liability is high when an intoxicated driver leaves an alcohol related event. Event organizers must assume responsibility for promoting safe transportation for all drinking participants. Safe transportation options are essential since the only way to sober up an intoxicated person is with time. Coffee provided at the end of the evening only turns a sleepy drunk into a wide-awake drunk who is still unsafe to drive.

Sober Driver Spot Check - Table Cards

Recommend the use of table cards to remind event participants about the importance of not drinking and driving. Table cards should have messages such as:

"The Windsor Police Service thanks you for helping to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere in Windsor and Essex County. We look forward to personally thanking you at one of our spot checks for leaving this event sober."

Table cards may also include phone numbers to access a taxi or alternate transportation.