# Audit report Observation # and name Retargets   Executive approval from Rationale
19 *Facilities Operations 223- Track Conditions, Standard Ratings and building condition assessments periodically Original Due Date Dec 31, 2019 Sr. Manager of Facilities

Background:This finding arose on identification of properties that did not undergo an internal or external building condition inspection during the scope period.It was further noted that tracking of condition ratings is currently not performed and is paper based/manual.

Reason for Delay: There were 3 key personnel who were required to run daily operations and address the management action plan, however one resigned and another was on unplanned leave. As a result resources were not available to address the issues. The lack of resources, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic in the first and second quarter of 2020, required a retarget of the due date

Basis for viability of reforecasted: Management personnel positions were available in 2020; however, all focus shifted to providing essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic. If the pandemic concludes by the end of the third quarter of 2020, resources will be assigned to meet the revised target date.

Retarget Date June 30, 2021
# of Retargets 1
Days since Identification 355 days
Days past Original Due Date 0 day
20 Social Media Strategy Assessment 229- Document key content management procedures/checklists and review/update key account level roles/responsibili ties. Original Due Date Dec 31, 2019 Senior Manager Communications & Customer Service Background:Currently the role for preparer, reviewer and approver of content/posts is segregated, however, such protocol is not defined (in a procedural document) at account level or on basis of severity of the post. Content management process flow/diagram is not documented for key social media activities, its dependencies on departments or required controls (IT and Business Process. Further, Incidents are not defined and no formal criteria/severity levels exist to guide the appropriate level of action (parameters such as: timing, content, sharing/release, etc.) for escalating incidents; and written approval is not a requirement for responding to inappropriate posts/comments. It is also not clear whether the terms of use/service level statements available to followers also apply to internal staff.
Retarget Date Mar 31, 2021
# of Retargets 1
Days since Identification 355 days
Days past Original Due Date 0 day
            Reason for Delay: IA noted that the addition of the Digital Media Coordinator position submitted to the City Council was not approved at the recent 2020 budget session, hence existing Communications staff will be assigned the respective duties. In order to do this, management needs additional time to reprioritize existing tasks assigned to staff.
            Basis for viability of reforecasted: The specific recommendations outlined by PwC as needing attention are achievable with the current staff compliment if time permits. Having said that, due to COVID-19’s interruption, guaranteeing the timeline is difficult. However, as the changes recommended are positive but not vital to the operation of the City of Windsor’s social media channels, the target date for completion is best left in place as viable but with the understanding that reassessment along the way could become necessary.

The retarget dates of the marked items were extended considering the COVID-19 impact which required additional time for management to implement the action plans