# Audit report Observation # and name Retargets   Executive approval from Rationale
17 *Facilities Operations 221- Conduct division wide periodic Work Order Aging Analysis Original Due Date Dec 31, 2019 Manager, Assets & Projects and Manager, Facility Operations

Background:Open work orders are identified and reviewed individually by each supervisor based on staff assignment; however, division-wide periodic work order aging analysis is not conducted to identify trends, aging and/or balance of work. Further, reviews performed are not accompanied by discussions with other supervisors and/or managers to improve and measure the age of work orders and to determine the over-/under-utilisation of supervisors and staff

Reason for Delay: There were 3 key personnel who were required to run daily operations and address the management action plan, however one resigned and another was on unplanned leave. As a result resources were not available to address the issues. The lack of resources, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic in the first and second quarter of 2020, required a retarget of the due date

Basis for viability of reforecasted: Management personnel positions were available in 2020; however, all focus shifted to providing essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic. If the pandemic concludes by the end of the third quarter of 2020, resources will be assigned to meet the revised target date.

Retarget Date June 30,2021
# of Retargets 1
Days since Identification 355 days
Days past Original Due Date 0 day
18 *Facilities Operations 222- Design and implement Customer Satisfaction Survey Original Due Date Dec 31, 2019 Sr. Manager of Facilities

Background: This finding arose on identification of Satisfaction surveys/feedback solicitation not being conducted to monitor satisfaction levels or to obtain feedback from users/customers on a) overall feedback for improving interactions and core activities and b) feedback specific to work requested/completed. There is an internal process requiring that internal services solicit internal feedback which results in non-compliance with an internal policy. Management agreed to conduct a customer satisfaction survey in coordination with the corporate Communications and Customer Service division.The survey will be sent to internal staff and include questions related to satisfaction with response time and performance.

Reason for Delay: There were 3 key personnel who were required to run daily operations and address the management action plan, however one resigned and another was on unplanned leave. As a result resources were not available to address the issues. The lack of resources, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic in the first and second quarter of 2020, required a retarget of the due date

Basis for viability of reforecasted: Management personnel positions were available in 2020; however, all focus shifted to providing essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic. If the pandemic concludes by the end of the third quarter of 2020, resources will be assigned to meet the revised target date.