5. Risk acceptance

5.1 Formal Risk Acceptance

No findings noted in this year

5.2 Implied Short Term Risk Acceptance

This section indicates those findings for which management is implicitly accepting the risk of not having the control in the short run (from the point of identification until the planned resolution). All findings that are open for more than 1.5 years from the date of the report have been listed under this section as follows:

# Audit report Observation # and name Retargets   Executive approval from Rationale
1 WDTC 51 – Strategic plan not documented Original Due Date December 31, 2016 Chief Executive Officer There is short-term risk that any initiatives undertaken by the Tunnel will not be sufficiently coordinated and informed. This is mitigated by WDBL’s business plan that addresses its operations, and financial initiatives.
Retarget Date Dec 31, 2020
# of Retargets 4
Days since Identification 4 years 6 months
Days past Original Due Date 3 years
2 Solid Waste 101 -Agreement Between the City of Windsor and EWSWA Original Due Date June 30,2016 City of Windsor Chief Administrative Officer The required changes to the agreement identified during the discussions to date will not result in substantive changes to the financial or operational relationship between the parties. Therefore continuation with the current agreement until the parties can finalize the changes does not pose a major risk to the corporation and is therefore an acceptable risk until such time as the finalization of the revised agreement can be prioritized.
Retarget Date September 30, 2020
# of Retargets 4
Days since Identification 4 years 1 month
Days past Original Due Date 3 years 5 months