# Audit report Observation # and name Retargets   Executive approval from Rationale
11 Managing Transition of Projects into Operations 212- Enhance considerations for project risk assessments Original Due Date Sep 30, 2019 Executive Initiatives Coordinator, Office of the CAO

Background:A common process and template for risk management is not shared across the projects. Specific project demands/needs for central functions such as Communications, IT and Human Resources are not consistently considered during project planning to understand/assess potential risks to resource capability and capacity. Management agreed to include the requirement for risk assessments to be monitored and updated in Schedule C of the PMMP.


Reason for Delay: Lack of resources available to carry out the tasks.The Executive Initiatives Coordinator (EIC) in the CAO’s Office has been seconded to the WFM project. This position has not been backfilled and therefore all projects, responsibilities, and duties have been put on hold until its return to the EIC position, the date of which is unknown at this time.

Retarget Date Dec 31, 2021
# of Retargets 1
Days since Identification 1 year 2 months
Days past Original Due Date 92 days
            Basis for viability of reforecasted: The resources for this project are not expected to be available until date. From that point they will be required to undertake the management action plan in time to meet the revised date They have capacity set aside at that future time for this work.