
Council Report: S 7/2020

Subject: Bike Share and Scooter Share Services - City-wide


Mayor and Members of City Council To:


THAT Council DIRECT Administration to issue a Request for Proposal for a Bike share and E-scooter operator(s); and,

THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign an agreement with the successful proponent(s), approved by the City Solicitor as to legal content, the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer as to financial content, and the Senior Manager of Transportation Planning as to technical content; and,

THAT the results of the Request for Proposal BE PRESENTED to Council.

Executive Summary:



Provincial E-Scooter Pilot

In November 2019, the Ontario government announced a 5-year e-scooter pilot program, effective January 1, 2020. Under this pilot program, municipalities have the ability to allow electric kick-scooters to operate on streets and in rights-of-way under their jurisdiction.

The regulations for the provincial pilot program give requirements for vehicle design (e.g. maximum speed), required equipment (e.g. lights and bells/horns), and rules of the road. The regulations allow municipalities to implement additional restrictions on e- scooter use through their by-laws.