Bike Share Feasibility Report

At the March 6, 2019 meeting of Council, Council received report C 41/2019 Bike Share Feasibility Study Update. This report outlined three options for a bike share service in Windsor:

Model Description Example
1. Traditional – Public
Sector Owned
Municipality (or a non-profit) owns
fleet, manages and operates the
system. Municipality generally
assumes responsibility for cost
Montreal, Toronto,
Hamilton, Detroit
2. Private – RFP
(Exclusive Operator)
Municipality issues an RFP to operate
and manage a bike share system
based on a set of service standards.
A successful proponent delivers the
service at no-cost to the municipality
but has the right (typically exclusive)
of operation on City infrastructure.
Victoria, Kelowna,
UBC, Kingston,
3. Private – Permit
(Multiple Operators)
Municipality allows multiple
companies to operate within city

The report also provided draft goals for a bike share program:

  Draft Goals Performance Metric
1 Increase cycling trips as a
percentage of total trips
• Mode Share for All Trips and/or Mode Share
to Work
• Average daily trips per 1,000 residents
• Daily bike share trips
2 Increase access to transit –
improving connections within the
first and last mile of transit stops
• % of Bus Stops within 200 metres of a bike
or station
3 Increasing opportunities for
recreation throughout
the city
• Average daily trips per bike
• Average daily trips per bike outside of peak
commuting hours (9-4pm & 6-9pm)
4 Improving environmental
outcomes through improved air
quality and reduced greenhouse
gas emissions
• Reduced vehicle kilometres traveled (VKT)
• Mode Share for All Trips and/or Mode Share
to Work