Item No. 8.26


Committee Matters: SCM 156/2020

Subject: Bike Share and Scooter Share Services - City-wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 762 THAT Council DIRECT Administration to issue a Request for Proposal for a Bike share and E-scooter operator(s) without precluding any potential vendors at this time in both scooter and bike share programs to provide an opportunity for those who want to apply for the RFP to do so even if they do not provide both bike share and/or scooter share service based on Model #3 in the administrative report allowing for Multiple Operators, which will allow Council the opportunity to choose from and deliver options at the appropriate time after the RFP has been received; and,

THAT the results of the Request for Proposal BE PRESENTED to Council; and,

THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign an agreement with the successful proponent(s), approved by the City Solicitor as to legal content, the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer as to financial content, and the Senior Manager of Transportation Planning as to technical content. Carried.

Report Number: S 7/2020 Clerk’s File: SW/13715

Clerk’s Note: The recommendation of the Standing Committee and Administration are not the same.