ACTUAL SCHEDULE:December 31, 2014 Substantial Performance
This build was completed on schedule and did not encounter major issues.Fire Station No. 5 PROPOSED SCHEDULE:Contract: August 31, 2017 Substantial Performance
ACTUAL SCHEDULE:September 23, 2017 Opening
The project was not completed on schedule, however it was completed within one month of the originally anticipated completion date. The project encountered several difficulties:
  • Ensuring that necessary trades were available to complete the building structure on schedule.
  • Structural steel fabrication delays.
  • Early onset of cold weather during completion of building masonry.
PROJECT SUCCESSES The project incorporating both stations benefitted from lessons learned in preceding Fire Station projects, and improvements were incorporated for each subsequent build. Continuous improvement was achieved by incorporating lessons learned from builds of Fire Stations 7, 2 and 6.
Use of familiar architectural design allowed for an efficient construction period for Fire Station #2.
Neighbourhood and employee concerns regarding lights, speed of trucks and other impacts of the station were addressed successfully through public open houses at Fire Station #2.
Project staging was achieved successfully with the adjacent St. Bernard school construction including construction traffic routing.
Snake-barricading fencing and approaches were implemented before construction in order to allow for the removal of as many snakes as possible from the site and to prevent snakes from re-entering the site. Over 70 snakes were relocated from the site prior to construction.
All workers deployed to the Fire Station No. 5 site were required to be trained on protocol for species at risk sightings.
The project has been completed with a budget surplus of $XXX.