PROJECT CHALLENGES Principal challenges for Fire Station No. 2 included:
  • Resident opposition to location given familiarity with parkland and removal of established street parking.
  • Quality issues occurred due to weather and working climate. Particular items such as the floor finish were affected and could not be reset due to presence of in floor heating.
    Principal challenges for Fire Station No. 5 included:
  • Cancelled tender and major delay of project due to Species at Risk mitigation requirements.
  • High risk and uncertainty of Species at Risk implications.
  • Mobility of trades and lack of understanding for species at risk mitigation measures.
  • Concurrent closures of Northwood Street and Daytona Avenue during construction to minimize school time conflicts.
  • Undesirable use of the site prior to and during construction including illegal dumping, theft and vandalism.
  • Changes to topography during delay of Fire Station No. 5 project.
  • Shortage of skilled trades leading to building delays.
  • Inclement weather during critical time for the project.
  • Ongoing monitoring and compensation requirements.
  • The architectural plans for Fire Station No. 7 were reused together with the same consultant project team. Certain building features were mirror images.
  • The building appearance for Fire Station No. 5 varies slightly from the design of the previous stations. While it was in part a cost-saving measure, a more natural brick was selected for the fire station that recalls the natural environment surrounding the station.
  • Bedroom quarters for Fire Station No. 5 are first to incorporate solid partition walls.
  • A naturalized stormwater drainage disposal area was created in the northwest quadrant of the Fire Station No. 5 site. It was expanded during construction to further reduce environmental impact and to better integrate with existing habitat.
  • Fire Station No. 2 can accommodate two trucks while Fire Station No. 5 can accommodate three trucks on site.
  • Fire Station No. 5 bedrooms have additional privacy, with sliding doors and block walls separating sleeping quarters.
  • Rubberized flooring for indoor areas has been installed in lieu of