10. Are there any issues currently within the City?

The majority of the stormwater-related issues the City faces are localized flooding during heavy rain events, ageing pipes and other stormwater infrastructure, and a significant number of stormwater ponds that require maintenance due to more heavy rainfall events.

11. What are the community’s priorities for managing stormwater needs?

Current priorities include:

12. What will happen at the end of the Study?

At the end of the Study, a summary of the findings and a recommended future stormwater management program, including a proposed funding model, will be identified. The findings and recommendation will be presented to Windsor citizens and businesses. Based on feedback received, the recommended program may be modified to address input received prior to the presentation to City Council for approval.

13. When will the recommendations/findings be implemented?

It is anticipated that the findings and recommendations will be presented at an open house in the spring of 2020, and that the final recommendation will go before Council in Spring / Summer of 2020. If passed by Council, administration will work towards the implementation of the new stormwater program, and the selected funding model is projected to go into effect as part of the 2022 budget implementation.

14. What are other Municipalities doing?

Across Southern Ontario, Municipalities are undertaking similar stormwater financing studies in order to reevaluate their stormwater management systems, define their future needs, and determine how they will be financed. Some examples of Municipalities who have implemented designated stormwater rates include London, Middlesex Centre, Kitchener, Hamilton and Mississauga. The Study will compare potential stormwater rates for the City of Windsor against other Municipalities in order to determine the preferred financing alternative.