7. What is the Stormwater Financing Study?

The goal of the City’s Stormwater Financing Study (the Study) is to develop a balanced approach to funding stormwater management infrastructure through a review of the level of service and funding options.

Study objectives include:

8. Why is the City undertaking the Study?

The City of Windsor is undertaking the Study to assess the current stormwater program and how it is funded, and explore alternative ways to pay for the City’s future stormwater management needs. The Study began in December 2018 and is expected to be completed by Summer 2020.

Stormwater needs continue to grow as the existing infrastructure ages, as new infrastructure is needed to handle development growth and changing storm events, and as water quality impacts continue. This Study will consider the existing and projected stormwater needs and costs and evaluate alternatives for paying for on-going investment in this critical program.

9. What are potential stormwater challenges facing Windsor?

Typical municipal stormwater problems include: