Stormwater Advisory Group (SAG) Meeting Dates & Topics

The SAG brings together a diverse group of community stakeholders (approximately 10- 14 community members) with the objective of sharing information about current challenges the City is facing in stormwater management and about our future needs. Through the SAG, members have met to learn about the City’s stormwater management services and challenges. Members have shared their input and feedback to inform the understanding and develop a more effective solution.

The SAG is made up of representatives from the residential community, local businesses, government agencies, community organizations, environmental groups, development industry, and the institutional sector.

The Study has planned for a total of five SAG meetings. The meeting topics are summarized below:

SAG Meeting No. 1 - May 7, 2019

Topic: Problems, Needs and Issues a. Review ground rules, schedule

– SAG Meeting No. 2 June 25, 2019

Topic: Current Program and Priorities a. Define the current stormwater program,

– SAG Meeting No. 3 November 19, 2019

Topic: Program Priorities and Overview of Funding Alternatives