5. What are the benefits to local property owners?
The benefits of an effective stormwater management program include a reduction in flood risk, improved water quality and environment, and reduced stream and creek erosion.
6. What can I do to help?
The biggest influencing factor in the amount of stormwater runoff in the community is the presence of surfaces that do not absorb water, including roofs, driveways, concrete patios, roads and parking lots. By minimizing the paving of land areas and properly maintaining the runoff from these surfaces, you can help manage stormwater.
Maintenance at home can include keeping storm sewer inlets clear as well as the cleaning and maintenance of downspouts, weeping tiles, sump pumps, back water valves and sewer lines from your residence to the municipal lines. You can also use rain barrels and plant vegetation to minimize flows draining from your property. Disconnecting your downspout (eavestrough) is another way to minimize flows draining from your property. Since rainwater falling onto your roof is generally cleaner, it is also ideal for use in gardens, car washing and for lawn care. Due to recent flooding, the City is considering implementing a mandatory downspout disconnection policy.
downspout disconnection policy.
For more information about what you can do check out:
The majority of the City’s storm drains do not connect to treatment facilities, but rather drain untreated stormwater into local waterways. Therefore, it is important to not put anything into the drains or roadside ditches that can pollute local streams or creeks.
- Maintain your property – pick up wastes, such as pet and yard wastes, and dispose of them properly.
- Consider using a local car wash that collect and treat the dirty water before it is released to the environment.
- Understand the fertilizer and other chemicals you are using – read and follow the instructions.
- Always dispose of hazardous materials such as paint and motor oil at your local hazardous waste collection centre.