Traffic flow and parking are main concerns with this rezoning. At the present both Ellrose and Arthur are two-way streets with on street parking (please see photographs 1 and 2 in the appendix). Arthur Street already does not meet the City of Windsor by-law for width of a street and with vehicles parked on the street only one other vehicle can drive up or down the street. If someone turns south on Arthur from Wyandotte a person cannot at the same time turn north off Ontario heading north, only one of those vehicles can go at one time. This is the same for Ellrose.

Ontario Street in between these two roads has parking allowed on both sides of the street at present and there is no way if someone parked on each side of the street as allowed, no other vehicle could drive on the road. (please see photograph 3 in the appendix)

Due to the high density of this area, there are already issues with traffic flow and congestion that will only get worse with a four plex and this rezoning. There will be nowhere for people to park and the parking available will create further issues with traffic flow and lead to more accidents.

This neighbourhood was constructed with alleys behind the houses with the intent that people could park behind their house on Arthur and Ellrose. If you were to view the lane way behind the houses, you will note the reason this has not occurred is due to the size and upkeep of the lane way. (please see photo 4 in the appendix). A vehicle, unless the size of a mini cooper could not get down the lane way safely and turn into a parking space or driveway.