Item 8.24 Additional Information May 4, 2020 Council Meeting

My name is Melissa Robb, I live at 908 Ellrose Ave.

I am here to speak in opposition to the rezoning application for 4558 Ontario.

My experience with the City of Windsor and rezoning and building permits has not been positive and shown a builder can get away with not following site plans.

The purpose of a site plan when it comes to rezoning, would in my opinion, be that the building and ideas are what is being approved. If this is not the case, once this lot is rezoned, a builder could put up anything they want, which is out of the control of council, the planning committees or the residents living in the area. Therefore, it is my opinion that the site plan should be a true representation of what the land will be used for and should be a main consideration in approving the rezoning of land.

Besides the fact that the site plan and rezoning does not make sense for the size of the lot, there are many concerns with issues such as infrastructure including parking, traffic control and flow and water and waste water.

The site plan submitted was not completed by an expert, no engineer or architect has approved. Not to mention the number of city by-laws that are being overlooked and ignored.

Based on conversations since the rezoning planning meeting, we have been advised that the City of Windsor is taking an approach to make areas denser. This area of Pillette village is already densely populated. The purpose of the provincial plan for density in cities is to allow for more housing for low income families and helping those that are homeless. This is a great idea and we do need more low-income housing. This rezoning has nothing to do with the provincial plan. The builder is not looking to make this housing for low income people or those that are homeless, therefore this rezoning will not help out the population that the Ontario Provincial plan is intended to assist. This should not be a reason or consideration in the rezoning of this property.